IMPORTANT NOTICE - Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia
Dear Customers,
Alliancz International is aware of identical AMSOIL products being unofficially distributed and sold in the South East Asia region.
These products do not adhere to the authorized distribution channel and are improperly made available in the market and over the Internet. Please note that Alliancz International is not aware of the composition of these products and they may be harmful to your vehicles.
Alliancz International would also like to recommend anyone who is concerned on whether they have purchased a genuine AMSOIL product to cease using it and kindly contact the Authorized AMSOIL Distributor in Singapore for verification (24-hours Customer Hotline : +65 8533 3313).
Customers are advised to exercise care and ensure that they are satisfied with the identities and qualifications of dealers/mechanics by whom they have purchased any type of AMSOIL lubricant from. This is a cautionary measure to establish that they are purchasing genuine AMSOIL products.
Authenticity of Alliancz International Pte. Ltd. as the Authorized Dealership is attached above.
**Original certificate is available for verification at the AMSOIL Singapore showroom.
Thank you very much.
Yours Sincerely,
Sophia Loh
- Authorized AMSOIL Distributor in Singapore.
For further verification, please contact AMSOIL Inc. -